Antigua is a beautiful island with a varied natural history. As with many of the islands, animal & plant species are often not indigenous, either having found their way here by being blown on the tradewinds, or brought here by ship. We are building a list of the most common flora, fauna and sealife and thank Peter Duce for his fantastic photography helping us to bring this information to life. 61 clients selected.
ANTIGUA BARBUDA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY is committed to sharing knowledge of gardening to people of all ages, with the aim to educate, conserve and achieve excellence in plant knowledge, garden design and an appreciation of plants. |
ANTIGUA CONSERVATION SOCIETY is newly formed organisation that advocates for the protection of Antigua & Barbuda's fragile coastal and marine ecosystems for current and future generations |
BANANAQUIT Family: Coerebidae, Honeycreepers
Coereba flaveola |
GRAY KINGBIRD Family: Tyrranidae Flycatchers
Tyrranus dominicensis |
OLEANDER Family: Apocynaceae.
Nerium oleander |
OSPREY Family: Accipitridae Pandion haliaetus
PLUMBAGO Family: Plumbaginaceae
Plumbago auriculata |
TAMARIND Binominal name:Tamarindus indica L |