Antigua & Barbuda has enjoyed a long history of achievement in the field of education. In the past fifty years the education system here has developed significantly.
Despite its small size and relatively limited resources, Antigua & Barbuda has managed to rovide a good standard of education to its residents. There are a number of schools and colleges that offer tuition and balanced education for children of all ages in Antigua.
EARLY CHILDHOOD - Traditionally provided by private and charitable organizatoins. The government, through its Early Childhood Education Center assumes responsibility for the registration and monitoring of all childhood environments. A local office of the UNESCO assists in hte development of the country's early childhood education.
PRIMARY EDUCATION - Children between the ages of 5 and 12. Available public (free) and private institutions. Compulsory in Antigua & Barbuda.
SECONDARY EDUCATION - Children between the ages of 12 and 18. Available public (free) and private institutions. Compulsory in Antigua & Barbuda.
TERTIARY EDUCATION (COLLEGE LEVEL) - Young adults 18 years and older.
SPECIALIZED EDUCATION INSTITUTION - Private universities and vocational institutes for the development of professionals in various areas including tourism and medicine. 4 clients selected.
ANTIGUA & BARBUDA OCEAN TRUST is a locally registered non-profit whose mission is to promote marine conservation projects and education while encouraging new initiatives to help restore and protect the marine environment for future generations. |