All rates below are in East Caribbean Dollar (XCD) and inclusive of 15% ABST (Non-residents do not have to pay ABST).
For all sales enquiries email or call 561-0405.
Page on
Page fee includes 12 Traffic Builder Add Ons for News, Specials, and What’s On per year; usage of add ons is limited to one per day.
The Initial Set-Up Fee includes creation of your page (including writing and selection and placement of photos, if necessary), adding the page to all the relevant categories and placing your business on the maps, and adding meta tags and search information.
In addition to the website, Antiguanice produces a weekly What’s On Newsletter, a monthly Real Estate Newsletter, and 18-times-per-year Yachting Insider Newsletter, as well as maintaining active Facebook and Twitter pages to promote our advertisers.
All content that is added to the website is reviewed and used to generate the newsletters and social media updates, and will be used where appropriate and timely. However, inclusion of these items is not guaranteed. If you would prefer to guarantee coverage or have additional coverage and banner ads, please contact our Sales Representatives.
Banner Ads
For those who are not concerned with listings, events, news or specials, but want to draw attention to their company nonetheless, we offer banner ads appearing on Antiguanice pages.
The Top of Site ad appears on all 120 pages of the site, and measures 500 x 60 pixels, with a file size no larger than 130 kb; we limit these to only 3 ads total, which rotate in appearance.
The Banner ads appearing on the right side of the pages are 308 x 140 pixels, with a file size no larger than 80 kb.
Newsletter Sponsorship
Sponsoring an Antiguanice newsletter is another way to get your image out in front of specialized audiences. Those sponsoring receive a banner ad in the newsletter, coverage in the newsletter, and a banner ad on the appropriate pages (What’s On, Yachting or Real Estate).
Private-Label Newsletters
With our expertise in producing newsletters, we can create a regular publication for your organization using the popular Mail Chimp program, sent to your specific list of customers or contacts, containing news, advice, tips, events and other information related to your organization. These are done in close consultation with your marketing advisors, to produce a publication that keeps you in front of your prime audience and provides up-to-date information that helps stimulate sales.
We will undertake writing, editing, design and production to deliver a final product, as well as create and maintain your mailing list. Monthly cost depends on amount of copy and photos and required coordination time with the client.
Website Design and Maintenance
We can create customized websites using Wordpress as well as complete bespoke builds. With Wordpress, the sites are automatically responsive ensuring that no matter what device you use to access your website it adjusts to fit screen size. Prices depend up complexity of the website and required functionality, and retainers can also be discussed. To see an example of our recent work, please click here.
Contact us to discuss your requirements. We are also happy to give you advice on current website structures and upgrades and are happy to take on website update work.
Photography and Artwork
All of our prices do not include new photography or artwork and logo creation. We are however happy to recommend consultants for you and also can act as project manager on your behalf to coordinate the work of photographers, writers, graphic designers or other creatives.