CSA OFFICER NOMINATIONS Thursday 28th August 2014
Dear Members,
In preparation for the CSA Annual Conference to be held in Antigua from Friday, October 24 through Sunday, October 26, 2014, President Peter Holmberg has appointed a Nominating Committee to nominate a slate of candidates for election at the AGM on Friday, October 24. This is in accordance with Bylaw 12 of the CSA Bylaws adopted at the last AGM (http://caribbean-sailing.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/CSA-Bylaws-Final.pdf), which also makes provision for nominations from the floor at the AGM.
The Nominating Committee therefore requests that CSA members propose candidates to serve as officers of the CSA. Officers serve annual terms and are eligible for re-election in accordance with Bylaw 7. The current officers are:
President Peter Holmberg
Vice Presidents (4) Jaime Torres, Alison Sly-Adams, Judy Petz, Dick Stoute
Secretary Amanda Maffessanti
Treasurer Kathy Lammers
Amanda Maffessanti and Dick Stoute have indicated that they will not stand as candidates in the upcoming election.
The Past President position is assigned automatically and the Chief Measurer is appointed by the CSA Measurers’ group.
The Nominating Committee is composed of Dick Stoute (Chairman) dick.stoute@gmail.com, Geoffrey Pidduck (geoffrey@geoffreypidduck.com) and William (Bill) Canfield (canfieldvi@gmail.com).
Member Associations are invited to submit names of candidates and their contact information to the Chairman and other members of the Nominating Committee as soon as possible but by no later than September 25, 2014.
Individuals interested in serving on the CSA board are also invited to indicate this to the Nominating Committee.
The Chairman will acknowledge each recommendation and respond to each candidate.
The slate of candidates chosen by the Nominating Committee will be posted on the CSA website at least two weeks before the AGM.
Dick Stoute
CSA Nominating Committee
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