Tuesday 4th May 2010
Photo showing Meet Director Everton Cornelius presents a plaque to Roland Samuel, son of Sir Reginald Samuel, as token of appreciation.
The CPTSA Wings Youth Track & Field Com-mittee will meet soon to do a post mortem of the Sir Reginald Samuel Track & Field Classic held May 1 & 2, 2010 at the YASCO Sports Complex.
Although planning of the Event began soon after the first classic in June 2009, in particular where sponsorship was concerned, the re-sponse thereof had been very disappointing, to say the least. This may have been due to the economical down-turn.
However, during the last four months into the planning, and with the recent successes and hype in track & field, Daniel (Bakka) Bailey at the 2009 Olympics, Tahir Walsh at the Carifta Games, the organizers held the faith that sup-port would be forth-coming.
This was not to be, for, as in the words of one track & field official, “people in Antigua only pay lip service”.
Hutchinson and State Insurance Corporation were the only two companies that heeded the call, but with very minimum financial help.
As for volunteerism and non financial assistance, the major players were the Ministry of Sports, Na-tional Solid Waste Management, and the Central Board of Health in preparing and cleaning the venue, and LIAT for return tickets for the four track & field officials from Tortola. A few other or-ganizations which helped with food or drink and tents were Jolly Beach Hotel, Bargain Center, A.S. Bryden & Sons, Premier Beverages, Trans Carib-bean Marketing, Antigua/Barbuda Defense Force and Kennedy’s.
According to an official of the Wings Youth Track & Field Committee, it was very difficult to run an at least $50,000 Event with peanut change. Besides the local clubs, the Committee had to contend with over 100 regional athletes and officials.
There were some hiccups along the way, such as starting and finishing on time, slow pace of the events, and a medal presentation bottle-neck be-ing developed toward the end of the second day. YASCO itself was a major handicap for hosting the Event. If only someone, anyone would find it an extreme priority to upgrade that facility, with at least proper bathroom, changing rooms, and cov-ered stands, ninety percent of worries would van-ish. (Results next edition)
NAME: Mr Richard Henry TEL: +1 268 562 1675/1680 FAX: +1 268 562 - 1681 EMAIL: permanentsecretarysports@gmail.com or: permanentsecretarysports@gmail.com ADDRESS: Office of the Minister of State: Sports and Recreation, Boys Training School and National School Meals
Cassada Gardens
St. John's