THE WORLD’S TOUGHEST ROW Monday 12th February 2024
While most of the World’s Toughest Rowers are safely in harbour, eight teams are still pulling hard out in the Atlantic. Solo rower “Aim for the Ocean” is next to arrive, possibly on Thursday, closely followed by Alzheimer’s Research UK.
Duo “For Better or Worse” is bringing up the rear, with a long haul of 500 nautical miles to go.
It is a month since HMS Oardacious rowed across the line into Nelson’s Dockyard to enthusiastic cheers and an ABDF honour guard, but the crowds still gather to cheer the teams in. Rowing 3000 miles as the seagull flies is no mean feat, whether first or last across the line. Let’s cheer just as loudly for every boat that arrives.
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