THE WORLD’S TOUGHEST RACE Friday 15th December 2023

38 boats set off from La Gommerà on December 12th 2023 on the World’s Toughest Challenge, rowing 3000 miles into Nelson’s Dockyard. There is no Team Antigua this year, but teams with names like “Never2Late,” “Ace of Blades,” “There She Rows,” are heading this way. Only three days in, there’s a long way to go. Currently “HMS Oardacious” a team of five Royal Navy Submariners is heading the leaderboard, their second race, just 20 nautical miles ahead of Team Marduk. Follow the race on the Yellow Race Tracker, pick it up on The App Store or the Website.
Find out more about the race and download the Yellow Race Tracker here.
Click here for all News and Specials for World's Toughest Row