STILL OVER 200 MILES TO GO Thursday 23rd March 2023
Over 100 days and still going. In a spectacular feat of endurance and determination, Linda Emilson, “Ocean Calling” and Bernie Hollywood “City of Liverpool” show no signs of defeat as they each still have over 200 miles to row to reach Nelson’s Dockyard. Lara Vafiadis, “ This Girl Rows” arrived earlier this week, barely able to walk after almost 100 days at sea. Such a feat must be the pinnacle of determination. Please watch out for their arrival times, and be there to applaud such dedication.

Bernie Hollywood is rowing to raise money to support young people’s mental health, backed by parentpay as he seeks to raise £1m for samaritans.

Linda Emilson is in collaboration with Mausund feltstasjon, a local institution on the coast of Norway working to clean up the marine garbage threatening the marine life there. She is raising awareness of how marine environments globally are threatened today by the way mankind is polluting the ocean.
Learn more about the challenge.
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