Travis Weste and Jojo Nunes of Team Antigua Pairs, currently on the water for the 2020 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, are set to end their journey and arrive in Nelson’s Dockyard over the next few days. With 155nm left in their row (as of 11am 26th January), their current ETA is 29th January.
Their arrival will be very different from those we are used to for our Antiguan teams. This time, the arrival will be a completely virtual event. The Dockyard arrival area will be closed off for family members only – 30 individuals per team member who will be issued passes – no exceptions. This is in compliance with COVID-19 protocols currently in place, and to assure all rowers and TWAC race organizers remain safe. See the arrival protocols here.
Track the fleet here and keep track of their ETA as it will change likely with each tracker update. Account –4 hours for local time. The arrival will be live streamed on the Atlantic Campaigns Facebook Page, and by ABS TV/Radio.

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