ONE MORE TEAM AT SEA FOR TWAC 2019 Wednesday 26th February 2020
Following the arrival this morning of John Davidson of The Mad Giraffe, and yesterday’s arrival of Gabi Schenkel of The Swiss 1s, who was also the lone female solo rower of the 2019 TWAC, there’s one more team at sea yet to make their arrival into Nelson’s Dockyard.

Photo: Gabi Schenkel of The Swiss 1s, by Ted Martin.
The challenge is now into its 75th day, and the final team Row Off The Wall, a womens pair team, has 319NM to finish (as of Wednesday 26th February at 11am local time). Winds are low currently in Antigua, which isn’t the best rowing weather, so right now their ETA is 8th March. Once winds pick up, the ETA will likely move forward. Keep an eye on the race tracker for updated ETAs for the final team.
Row off the Wall will likely pass 80 days at sea, so a rousing welcome into Nelson’s Dockyard will fit the bill just right – so we encourage anyone who is available to come out and give them a hero’s welcome. For the latest ETA, stay tuned to the Atlantic Campaigns Facebook page and if you aren’t in Antigua, watch the arrival live on their Facebook page.
Article by Stephanie Bridge.
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