Over 70 regional Guide Leaders, family and friends along with representatives from the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and the Western Hemisphere Committee are currently sailing the Caribbean Sea attending the historic Conference-Cruise arranged by the Executive of the Caribbean Link of Guiding.
This event is the final contribution in a series of celebrations to mark the centenary of WAGGGS. It will be a memorable, multi-dimensional event combining business, education, team building and fun experiences.
Under the theme: Caribbean Guide Leaders Changing Lives from 21-28 April 2012, this body of 21 regional member organisations will mark Caribbean Link Day on 22nd April; its 18th Caribbean Link of Guiding triennium conference where delegates will set objectives in a work plan to cover 2012-2015 and elect a new Executive Committee for the next triennium. The outgoing Executive are:
§ Chairperson, Dr. Oluwakemi Linda Banks, Anguilla
§ Deputy Chairperson, Wilma Turton, Barbados
§ Doleen Lee, Treasurer, Antigua and Barbuda
§ Joy Rose Frater, Programme Adviser, The Cayman Islands
§ Lorraine Spencer-Jarrett, Training Adviser, Jamaica and
§ Catherine Reid, Consultant, Trinidad
Among the fun activities the party will be linking with sister guides in Mexico, Belize and the Cayman Islands when the Carnival Liberty docks in their countries respectively.
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