Homeowners can secure coverage for an extensive list of hazards and events with United Insurance’s Uniplan 2000+ policy from Anjo Insurance.
An additional discount is given for properties with hurricane shutters. The policy can also can be extended to include Worldwide All Risk Coverage on personal possessions such as jewellery, cameras, electronic items, sporting equipment etc.
The standard UNIPLAN 2000 + Policy covers loss or damage caused by:
. Fire, lightning, thunderbolt, subterranean fire, explosion, theft or attempted theft.
. Hurricane, cyclone, tornado or windstorm, earthquake or volcanic eruption including flood/overflow of the sea caused thereby.
. Flood including overflow of the sea not occasioned by hurricane and earthquake.
. Escape of water or oil from any fixed water cooling or heating installation or domestic appliance.
. Impact involving an aircraft, aerial device or anything falling from them, or by a vehicle or animal.
. Accidental breakage of sanitary fixtures or fixed glass.
. Accidental damage to televisions, videos & computers.
. Accidental damage to underground water and gas pipes or electricity cables.
. Falling trees or branches.
. Malicious persons.
. Subsidence or landslip if specifically included.
. Persons taking part in riot and strikes, lock-outs and/or in labour disturbances.
The UNIPLAN 2000 + Policy also includes cover for the following:-
. Loss of rent and alternative accommodation up to 10% of the sum Insured.
. Employers’ Liability for up to two domestic servants (limit EC$9,000,000.00).
. Property Owners’ Liability of up to EC$3,000,000.00.
(NB. Where no cover is provided under Section 2 (Contents) any bodily injury or death however caused by or attributed to the use of contents is excluded).
. Personal Liability of up to EC$3,000,000.00 any one incident.
. Personal Accident up to EC$10,000.00 any one incident.
. Temporary removal of contents - up to 15% of the sum insured.
. Contents left in the open are covered up to EC$1,000.00.
. Loss caused by fraudulent use of stolen credit cards up to EC$750.00.
. Contents in deep freezer up to a maximum of EC$500.00.
. Reinstatement Value on Buildings - sum insured should represent replacement cost.
. New for Old on Contents - Claims payments not depreciated for wear & tear except for clothing.
. Cover during sale of buildings and household linen.
. Automatic reinstatement of the sum insured following a claim.
. Removal of debris.
. Architects & Surveyors Fees as part of the sum insured on buildings.
. Local authority requirements.
. Student’s possessions.
. Tear out.
. Wedding gifts.
. Metered water.

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