The Rotary Club of Antigua Sundown installs a New Board of directors who will be responsible for channeling the course for the Rotary year 2019/2020.
The team under the leadership of President Kevin Jackman; intend to continue a number of key projects like the Pediatric Village which provides free health care to hundreds of the nations youths, the annual Walk for Autism which attracted over 700 walkers in April 2019, and the Signature fund raising Fete.
The club will over the next months also engage in many other charitable works all in the name of promoting “Service above self”.
Please meet the Board of Directors for the 2019/2020 Rotary year:
President: Kevin Jackman
Vice President: Jonah Ormond
President Elect: Julian Wilkins
Treasurer: Christopher Pugh
Secretary: Diana Browne
Director of Public Relations: Stacy Cabrall
Director of Membership: Maureen Bowers Director of Projects: Jonathon McComie
Director of Club Administration: Amanda Cameron
Director of Rotary Foundation: Corina Sealy Sergeant at Arms: Herald Rolland
Rotarians are a group of professionals form varied disciplines who all have a passion and heart to serve. They gather together weekly with one common goal and that is to do good for humanity. Salute to Past President Jonah Ormond and his team who did an exceptional and demonstrated the true values of rotary to their leadership during the past year 2018/2020.
Rotary Cares!!!!
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