To facilitate the growth and sustainable development of Antigua and Barbuda’s Service Sector to become internationally competitive.
“The Antigua and Barbuda Coalition of Service Industries Inc.” (“The Coalition”)
The intention is to bring Antigua and Barbuda into conformity with the other member states of CARICOM and to establish the Coalition, the principal objectives of which are:
To serve as a focal point for the Services sector in Antigua and Barbuda.
To function as a lobbying institution in order to provide the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, CARICOM and regional trade negotiators with general and sectoral positions as it relates to trade in services.
To collaborate with regional institutions the object of which is the enhancement of the Services sectors across the region.
To provide service providers operating within Antigua and Barbuda with knowledge of export opportunities and to encourage them to engage in developing export opportunities and activities through collaboration locally, regionally, and internationally.
To promote the further development and competitiveness of the Services sector of Antigua and Barbuda.
To ensure that the highest industry standards are met by all service providers in Antigua and Barbuda.
To educate the service providers of Antigua and Barbuda on relevant aspects of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME), the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) of the EU-ACP, the World Trade Organisation’s General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and any other trade agreements or developments that affect trade in services.
To educate service providers on relevant government policies that can assist or hinder the export of services.
To represent the interests of the Services sector, including lobbying government and promoting fair multi-lateral rules for trade in services.
To promote the organisation of non-organised service providers into associations.
To advise government on market conditions/trends with a view to implement/relax policies to facilitate the growth of local practitioners.
To encourage and facilitate alliances/partnerships with regional and extra-regional counterparts.
To promote and lobby for the increased value added positions in the services sector in order to create more productive and better paying jobs for the people of Antigua and Barbuda.