THE FRIENDSHIP TABLE EVENT Thursday 1st March 2018

The Friendship Table event is a chic and relaxed dining experience with a mixed compliment of thirty-two possible strangers and friends, allowing for a delightful evening of networking and healthy conversation. Imagine a series of undisclosed, mystery locations that are hosted across the island, perfectly paired with a magical dinner of great wines and fancy cocktails, featuring culinary and mixology talent with chosen products from the extensive portfolio of A.S. Bryden & Sons (ANU) Ltd.
Put innovation at the centre of this uniquely gastronomic dining experience and launched The Friendship Table event at the beginning of the year and has since hosted three sold-out evenings around the island.
Cost: EC$335 or US$126 per person, with a 72-hour money back cancellation window.
You will be informed of the particulars of all upcoming events through social media and web advertisement. Seating is limited, so bookings are essential to secure your spot at The Friendship Table!
For reservations get in touch with:
Stanley Minors / 725-7322 Diedy Minors / 725-7332
Sharon Green / 725-7384 Frances-Ann Attong / 734-0839
Become a member of the The Friendship Table and be the exclusive guest who will receive the first release of menus and particulars of all upcoming events. Simply send your contact details to:
Click here for all News and Specials for A. S. Bryden and Sons (Antigua) Ltd.