Photo by Bertram Photography
This year we are celebrating the 32nd Anniversary of the Independence of Antigua & Barbuda on November 1st. We celebrate in style with several activities leading up to the special day and onward after, all which started on Sunday 20th October.
This Thursday is Star Antigua from 8:00 pm and Friday sees the Independence Fete “Dance” from 9:00 pm. The weekend continues with a market day and church service and back with a Folk/Heritage Night and evening of dance on Monday. Activities continue into the week with programmes, choir festivals and the National Youth Rally and School Steelband Competition on Wednesday October 30th. Next Thursday is National Dress Day followed by the Dress Parade and Day of Flag, closed off in the evening with the Independence Homecoming Banquet. Of course celebrations reach the highlight event on Friday November 1st, which is a public holiday with a Ceremonial Parade, Food Fair, Panache and more. Check out the full schedule of activities for details here.
Coconut Grove also has a special event set for Independence evening, with a special Independence Dinner on Friday 1st November. Their menu for the evening is three courses of succulent samples of local cuisine, including, but not limited to, Antigua Salt Fish, Redonda Red Snapper, Fungi and a Black Pineapple Dessert to close. Click here for all News and Specials for What's On