September 25 to October 01, 2011 is Pesticide Awareness Week, and throughout that period the Pesticides & Toxic Chemicals Control Board (PTCCB) will be engaging in a series of activities under the theme “ Save lives!-Read and Understand Pesticide Labels”.
Chairman of the Pesticide and Toxic Chemicals Control Board (PTCCB), Dr. Malverne Spencer said, the week is being planned to heighten awareness of the need for the safe use and improved management of pesticides and other toxic chemicals.
As part of this thrust, the PTCCB has planned a seminar entitled “Effective Regulatory Management of Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals” for Wednesday 28th September, 2011 Fisheries Complex Conference room Point Wharf at 9:00am. This seminar is by invitation. However, plans are in place for the contents of the seminar to be aired nationally.
Additionally, a brochure captioned “Keep Your Family & Community Safe,” was also produced and is being disseminated widely.
Dr. Spencer explained that pesticides by their nature, pose some risk to humans, animals or the environment. Therefore, he said it is critical that the pesticide labels are used as a guide for safe and effective usage. The chairman of the PTCCB reiterated that the label contains pertinent information, and urge all stakeholders to read and understand its’ content before any pesticide and chemical is being.
Further, to the week of activities, the PTCCB is requesting the partnership of all media houses to amplify the theme, “Save Lives! Read and Understand Pesticide Labels” With the tagline: A message from the Pesticides & Toxic Chemicals Control Board Contact: 268 -462 9191.
Board Members will also be available to disseminate information to the media and other stakeholders, on matters pertaining to pesticides management in the country.
Over the years, the week has amplified various messages, to include:
2004 ‘Everyone has a role to play in improving the management of pesticides for a safer Caribbean Environment’
2005 “Integrating Actions for Safe Chemicals Management”
2006 “Pesticide Registration: Facilitating Trade, Protecting Health, and Environment”
2007 “Pesticide Registration: Assurance of the safe and efficient use of pesticides in Agriculture and Public Health”
2008 “Rational Pest and Pesticide Management = Food Security and Healthy Environment”
2009 “Improving Pesticide Management through Education and Participation”
2010 “Eliminating Obsolete Pesticides Today for a Healthier Tomorrow”
2011 “Save Lives! – Read and Understand Pesticide Labels”
The PTCCB is constituted under the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing & the Environment.
Click Here to view Pesticides Brochure.pdf
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