SONG FOR SIDS4 Monday 29th April 2024

Antiguan talent and voices, including that of the iconic Claudette ‘CP’ Peters, are beautifully blended on a song that was specially created and produced for the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States, SIDS4.
The song, One Family, was commissioned at the request of Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister the Hon. Gaston Browne, whose interest in getting it produced went as far as him penning several lines in the lyrics, underscoring the significance of the message and the overall importance of the conference to Antigua and Barbuda and all SIDS.
Besides Peters, adding their voices to the collaborative work, are the reigning calypso monarch of Antigua and Barbuda Young Destroyer, former Junior Soca Monarch Island Prince, Naycha Kid, Drastic, Ge Eve as well as steel pan virtuoso Aubrey ‘Lacu’ Samuel.
One Family, was written and produced by accomplished Antiguan and Barbudan musician Gavin Christopher. Also included in the writing credits are Communications Lead for the SIDS4 Conference, Andy Liburd. Christopher teamed up with fellow writer and producer Dalton Dyer in the mixing and mastering of the song. Executive Producer on the entire production is Cultural Ambassador at Large Lisa Makhoul.
The conference is bringing the global community to Antigua and Barbuda for a once in a decade event where a renewed effort will be pursued in addressing the unique challenges being faced by Small Island Developing States.
One Family seeks to resonate with the overarching theme of the conference, Charting a Course Toward Resilient Prosperity, as it recognises the fate of all SIDS and their survival without the urgent support and required partnerships from the international community to address the existential threats they face.
It is a clarion call to action for our global family to seize upon this single opportunity to leverage their resources and collaborate meaningfully on solutions to our unique challenges such as the issues of our burdensome debt and the real and present dangers of climate change.
“It is truly heartening and inspiring to see our musical talents collaborate on this venture which not only brings exposure to the incredible talents that abound within our shores but clearly shows their abiding interest in our future survival. It is only together that we can achieve a sustainable future for all. I am indeed grateful for their support and contribution,” Prime Minister Browne stated.
Prime Minister Browne expressed hope that all radio stations will make the effort to include the song in their rotations as a visible and conscious show of support of the artists and to help bring attention to the importance of the conference.
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