C-MAP ATLANTIC DASH Tuesday 28th February 2023
Two teams are facing the rigours of Atlantic Rowing. “Atlantic Dragons” and “Cabbies do Atlantic Row” set off from Lanzarote to Jolly Harbour on January 3rd in the C-Map Atlantic Dash. They expect to arrive 3-5 March

Adrian and Dan, aka Atlantic Dragons, have come together to take on the Atlantic crossing, in aid of RNLI, Lifeboats
Find out more and donate to their charity through their website: atlanticdragons.cymru

Cabbies Do Atlantic Row – Trio
Darren, Stuart and Bob are London black cab drivers taking on a series of challenges – having already climbed Mt Kilimanjaro that are now rowing across the Atlantic – showing that ‘ordinary’ blokes can take on extraordinary challenges. They are raising money for:
Taxi Charity for Military Veterans
Stroke Association
Huruma Orphanage, Tanzania
Find out more and donate to their charities through their website: cabbiesdoatlanticrow.com
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