FUN REGATTA & DOCK PARTY & WHAT’S ON Thursday 26th January 2023

If your new year resolutions are already becoming a memory you can keep your healthy ones with Antigua Wellness Month events. Join Zumba and Brunch this week for a great way to start the day and you can always enjoy that luxury spa. Keep up your environmentally friendly resolutions with a visit to Hemp on the Docks for a wide variety of sustainable items.
Good food and music should always be a resolution and there’s plenty is always a pleasure and there’s plenty of that on offer. Try sinful Saturday at Maia with DJ Luyo, or catch him at Ana’s on Fridays.
This week there is even more fun on the water at The National Sailing Academy on Sunday 27th, with a fun regatta and dock party; sailing, rigging, racing and of course food and drink.
So much to do, so little time. Don’t miss out, save the dates for upcoming events over the next month, and get up to date with the latest news and specials available island-wide.
Click here for all News and Specials for What's On