STAY HOME ANTIGUA Friday 3rd April 2020

Last week we got some interesting feedback on what some thought were shock tactics about the need for us to stay home (that was the intention) and self-isolate due to the potential spread of Covid-19. This week, that choice has been removed. With Antigua and Barbuda now being on a 24-hour curfew for all but essential workers, we are here to stay, probably for some time.
Despite clear guidelines and lots of PSA's through various media houses, it seems some people are still having difficulty with the concept. So to summarise:
- You CANNOT go to the beach (as it says above it will be there waiting for you when this is all over)
- You CANNOT go for your usual daily walk
- You CANNOT take your dog for a walk
- You CANNOT meander around the roads where you live
Even though supermarkets and pharmacies are open from 7am - 12 pm each day, that is not an invitation to go each day. The intention is to minimise our contact with each other and therefore shopping should only be for absolute emergencies.
If you must got out, please Keep Your Distance - a minimum of 6 feet in fact. Wear a mask, wear gloves, don't touch your face, sanitise and wash your hands, again and again and again. If you do have to go to a store and they do not have Social Distancing protocols in place, refuse to shop there!
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