ONE NATION, TWO ISLANDS Thursday 14th September 2017
We need the world to understand! We need your help!
Antigua and Barbuda is one nation but two islands separated by 30 miles of Atlantic ocean, less than half a degree of separation! The difference between no harm and utter devastation!
FACT: Antigua is open for business and ready right now.
FACT: Barbuda is not..... yet.
Why is this so important to understand? Because we need everyone who ever came or dreamed about coming to Antigua to make this the year. Why? Because as an independent nation, we don't have a mother country to step in. We have to rebuild Barbuda off our own bat after it was left uninhabitable by Hurricane Irma.
Whether you live in Antigua, or love Antigua from afar, please share this message and please tell all your friends and family that this is the year we need them, more than ever.
Written by Alison Sly-Adams
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