Adult Workshops Registration Form
We are writing to invite you and/or members of your club to participate in the 2nd annual Kenny Benjamin Community Cricket Festival now renamed the Kenny Benjamin Youth Festival– a new name however with the same emphasis on developing sport through community involvement – Adult Taster Workshops.
The Workshops will take place on Saturday 5th February from 9:00 am and ending at 3:30 pm with distribution of certificates. There will be 45 minute sessions on scoring, coaching, umpiring, club development, media relations and event management. You will have an opportunity to participate in a maximum of four (4) workshops. Your registration fee Of EC$50 will include workshops, a handbook, refreshments and materials.
The Kenny Benjamin Youth Fest 2011 will be held on February 05 and 06 at the Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Grounds – two days of information sharing (Adult workshops) skills development (youth workshops) and matches featuring four U13 teams under the lights of the world famous Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Grounds. Click here for all News and Specials for Liberta Sports Club