The second Kenny Benjamin Community Festival will be held February 05 and February 06, 2011 with a new name the Kenny Benjamin Youth Festival - two days of information sharing and matches featuring the stars and coaches of the future.
And according to Kenny Benjamin the new name will not detract from the core intent of the event: “After the success of the first festival we sat down and re-evaluated the event and found that although the women’s hardball teams trained really hard, we were very limited as to what their next step will be given that there is no women’s hardball league in Antigua and Barbuda. However, the U13s were so inspirational and up for the challenge of playing at the Sir Vivian Richards Cricket Grounds (SVRCG) that we decided that we would focus on this age group – the future players, coaches, event planners, scorers and even managers.”
The two day event will be split into three segments – Adult taster workshops in Event Management; Scoring; Coaching; Media Relations; Umpiring and Club development. Workshops for the U13s focusing on team building and non-sporting activities that will teach them skills they can use on and off the field. This will be followed by matches featuring four U13 teams with a mini concert to round off the weekend.
Benjamin adds that: “I am really excited about this event as persons have been asking when we will be hosting the next set of workshops. I also know that the teams are really looking forward to it. In the coming weeks we will be reaching out to clubs, associations and teams in order to pre-register participants.”
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