The National Office of Disaster Services (NODS) was among regional stakeholders that met in Barbados on Thursday April 15, to streamline programmes, policies and strategies for public education and awareness in disaster management.
Antigua and Barbuda joined thirty eight participants representing thirteen countries with expertise in the fields of public policy, education, communication, information and disaster management.
The group was presented with four model public awareness programmes targeting schools, universities and the general public at a Technical Consultation on Draft Model Programmes for Public Education/Awareness.
Also to be finalized at the consultation were two Model Public Education/Awareness Policies and Strategies. These speak to a regional approach to public awareness and education and the initiation of programmes championing Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM).
CDM is an integrated approach to disaster management involving all phases of the disaster management cycle –prevention, preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery – with the goal of reducing the risk and loss associated with natural and technological hazards and the effects of climate change to enhance regional sustainable development.
This consultation follows six (6) months of work undertaken in CDEMA’s Participating States by the lead consultant for activity “Development and Adaptation of Model Public Education/Awareness Policy and Strategy.”
This activity is being implemented by Greg Hoyos Associates Inc. and aims to:
1. advance the development of model public education/ national disaster management awareness campaigns and multi-media materials in collaboration with CDEMA’s members, with a view to saving lives and reducing human and economic losses
2. develop an information strategy that targets the policy maker, the technocrat, actors in the development process, businesses and employers and the general public as it strives to heighten awareness among these publics on disaster management, particularly with respect to risk reduction.
This initiative is part of the Institutional Support and Capacity Building for Disaster Management in the Caribbean Project, a €3.4 million European Development Fund project being executed by the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA).
The 3 year project, is in its final year of implementation and aims to increase the Agency’s capability to coordinate and lead disaster management in the region as well as strengthen national level institutional capacity. Click here for all News and Specials for National Office of Disaster Services