Residents are being encouraged to remain calm following a prediction that the Caribbean could be hit by a major earthquake any day.
Following the warning by Acting Director of the UWI Seismic Research Unit Dr Joan Latchman, residents in Antigua and Barbuda have seemingly become alarmed.
According to Acting Director of the National Office of Disaster Services (NODS) Sherrod James, predictions coming out of the seismic research unit have been consistent with those issued in the past.
Due to recent events in Haiti and Chile, the public has become more concerned with these potential realities.
However, James is calling on members of the public to remain calm and adhere to the principles being taught through the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) and the local disaster office as the initiatives were developed with such realities in mind.
In terms of earthquakes, CDEMA advocates the Drop, Cover, Hold principle that has been published in the local media and in case of a tsunami, residents are urged to adhere to the tsunami smart principles, one of which is, if on the coast when a large earthquake is felt, one should move away from the coast and proceed to higher ground as quickly as possible.
The National Office of Disaster Services (NODS) has a consistent education programme in place where officers visit the various schools to further educate students and teachers about earthquake awareness.
NODS also collaborates with CDEMA on a media campaign.
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