Back to Antigua and Barbuda Cycling Federation

Thursday 19th July 2012

The Antigua and Barbuda National Olympic Committee announces the 2012 London Olympic team to represent Antigua and Barbuda at the Summer Olympic Games which will run from 27th July – 12th August.

The NOC is pleased to announce the selection of Mr. Neville Fenton as the head of delegation in the commonly known title of Chef de Mission. Neville Fenton comes with a wealth of experience and profile. He presently heads the Antigua and Barbuda Riffle Association as President and also holds the position of Treasurer of the National Olympic Committee. Fenton is amongst the few persons on island over the past 8 years that developed the experience to serve in such capacity.

He first served as Chef de Mission at the 2007 Pan American Games in Brazil and 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi, India. He will be assisted by Executive member of the NOC and President of the Antigua and Barbuda Tennis Association, Mr Cordell Williams whom will serve in the capacity of Administrative Assistant.

The heads of the Olympic team is completed with the expertise of a team Doctor, President of the Sports Medicine Association, President of National Anti-Doping Agency and Board member of the Regional Anti-Doping Agency, Dr. Philmore Benjamin.

The twin island state will be represented by 5 athletes in 2 different disciplines, Athletics and Swimming. 
Athletics – Antigua and Barbuda best opportunity at the Games can come from island’s professional Athletics athlete, Daniel Bailey. The 5th World Champion will represent his nation in the Games in the Olympic Games flagship event, 100m. Although no official decision is made as yet, Bailey is most likely to carry the flag, as the Flag Bearer of Antigua and Barbuda during the July 27th 2012 London Opening Ceremony.
Athletics – Brendan Christian will represent Antigua and Barbuda at his 3rd Olympic Games as he is qualified in the 200m Athletics event. The former Pan American Champion was also considered as the flag bearer but the consideration went out the window after US Based athlete sticks to his philosophy of attending the games a few days before his event. The island’s 200m specialist is confident that he will have a great performance at the Games.
Athletics – US based Afia Charles will represent Antigua and Barbuda at her first Olympics in the 400m track event. Afia Charles, daughter of Antigua and Barbuda former Track and Field star, Repurta Charles, represented our nation at Carifta level where she won Bronze for our nation. She awarded the opportunity through the IOC Universality Places, utilizing the unqualified female spot in Athletics. The young University of Central Florida athlete is expected to travel with the team and participate in the opening ceremony and track and field 400m event.
Athletics – The Antigua and Barbuda Athletics Association selects Mr Calvin Greenaway as the Team Manager for the Athletics team. Calvin Greenaway undoubtedly Antigua and Barbuda’s best sprinting coach who has worked with all three athletes over the years. He is expected to manage the athlete, register the athletes in their events, execute their final training program and attend the London Olympics IAAF technical meetings.
Aquatics – Antigua and Barbuda will be represented in the Swimming competition by Karin Clashing. Karin is undoubtedly the best elite female swimmer who represented our Nation at the 2011 14th World Championships in Shanghai, China this made her eligible and awarded her a Universality Places at the London Olympics. Karin Clashing will compete in the 50m Freestyle event.
Aquatics – On the 17th July 2012 FINA informed the Antigua and Barbuda National Olympic Committee of the approval of our Olympic Solidarity Scholarship holder, Orel Jeffery to compete at the 2012 London Olympics Games. Orel Jeffery received Universality Place in the Additional Places category. Jeffery competed at the 2011 14th World Championships in Shanghai and was submitted along with Karin Clashing for approval to compete at the London Games but due to the numbers allocated to FINA in the Olympic village FINA only grated Antigua and Barbuda one spot however, after FINA completed issued spots to their member nations additional spots became available and reissued spots to eligible athletes. Orel Jeffery will be competing in the male’s 50m Freestyle Swimming competition. Orel acceptance of the Universality Places in Swimming takes Antigua and Barbuda number to 5 athletes at 2012 London Olympics Games.
Aquatics – The Antigua and Barbuda Swimming Association selected Mrs Edith Clashing as team Team Manager of the Swimmers. Mrs Clashing is expected to manage the athletes, register the athletes in their event, execute their final training program and attend the London Olympics FINA technical meetings.
The Antigua contingent will also comprise with the Antigua and Barbuda National Olympic Association President, Senator the Hon. E. P. Chet Greene and Secretary General, Cliff Williams all of whom accepted the usual special invitation to attend the Games as part of the Olympic Family. The Olympic Family comprises of the mostly Presidents and Secretaries General who’s decision through the IOC and ANOC congresses serve to strengthen the Olympic Games. Several meetings and assemblies are schedule to take place during the Games of which the Presidents and Secretaries General will attend along with special invitation to attend the Opening and Closing ceremonies as well as the privilege to attend the sporting events.
Senator the Hon. Winston Williams will also be in attendance. The IOC recognizes the Minister of Sports and the Head of Government as the two government representatives to attend the Games. The Government of Antigua and Barbuda approves Senator the Hon. Winston Williams to attend in his capacity of Minister of Sports. The Nation Sports Minister will be engage in several meeting amongst his pairs of the 204 Olympic Nations as well as the specially schedule Commonwealth Sports Minister Meeting to be held 23rd July 2012.
Joel Rayne will also be in London representing local media in the field of Journalism. Joel Rayne who is also an executive member of the NOC was the successful for the above mentioned post. Rayne will capture the pertinent information of the Antiguans and other Caribbean athlete participation and provide the various media houses with daily update of the activities of the contingent. The Journalism position is separate and impart from the team composition.
The team is expected leave Antigua on Tuesday 24th July during the evening flight.
Antigua and Barbuda Delegation in the London Olympic Games village:
Mr Neville Fenton – Chef de Mission (Head of Mission)
Mr Cordell Williams – Admin Assistant
Dr Philmore Benjamin – Team Doctor
Daniel Bailey – Athlete, 100m – Athletics
Brendan Christian – Athlete, 200m – Athletics
Afia Charles – Athlete, 400m – Athletics
Karin Clashing – Athlete, 50m Freestyle – Swimming
Orel Jeffery – Athlete, 50m Freestyle - Swimming

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2011 APUA Inet OECS Cycling Championships Promo Video

2010 Antigua Vacations Ltd Shirley Heights Challenge

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