In order to add value to the CSA Rating Rule product we have introduced in the CSA 2011 Rating Rule a dual headsail rating certificate.
This means that the owners can choose to measure in two different sized headsails and have those ratings displayed on the same certificate.
This is essentially eight ratings for the price of four. The boat owner must inform the measurer at measurement or when updating or re-validating his/her certificate for 2011.
The owner must then present two headsails for measurement or two headsail certificates. By convention the larger of the two sail LP’s will be entered first on the certificate.
Only one-size headsail rating maybe selected for a particular Event or Series.
Once a rating has been declared at registration then this rating will be in-effect for the balance of the Event or Series.
Changes in rating may be exercised between Events.
Regatta or Event Scorers are asked to provide an extra column so that the declared LP% can be displayed alongside the rating and sail configuration.
The CSA 2011 also allows for the first time boats to use either bow pole or spinnaker pole once they have declared and measured in their largest Asym and Sym Spinnakers.
Email address for the owner or owner’s representative is now mandatory so that an electronic copy of the certificate can be sent to the person listed.
For further information please contact the CSA Chief Measurer at chiefmeasurer@caribbean-sailing.com. Click here for all News and Specials for Caribbean Sailing Association