RORC CARIBBEAN 600 WELCOME Monday 24th February 2014

Honourable John Maginley with RORC Admiral, Andrew McIrvine (right) and RORC CEO, Eddie Warden Owen (Left) -Credit:Tim Wright/
On Saturday 22nd February, the RORC Caribbean 600 Skippers' Briefing and Welcome Party took place at the Antigua Yacht Club. The packed Skippers' Briefing was well attended and the RORC Racing Manager, Nick Elliott, welcomed the competitors to the 6th edition of the RORC Caribbean 600. The course, start and finish line remain unchanged however, due to popular demand, there was a change to how the race can be viewed on the internet, as Nick Elliott explained.
"From the northern end of Guadeloupe, at Basse Terre, until just after the islands of Les Saintes, the race trackers will go into 'Stealth Mode'," revealed Nick Elliott. "The Yellowbrick player will not show the yachts in this position, but we will make it very clear to family and friends that this is the case on the tracker player."
After the Skippers' Briefing, a Welcome Party was held on the lawn at the Antigua Yacht Club. Hundreds of competitors enjoyed complimentary drinks and a Caribbean barbecue, with a steel orchestra, Panache, providing the music. Eddie Warden Owen, CEO of the Royal Ocean Racing Club, started the proceedings by welcoming RORC Admiral, Andrew McIrvine, to the stage.

Competitors gather at the AYC for the Welcome Party. Credit: Tim Wright/
The Honourable John Maginley, Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation and Culture for the Government of Antigua gave a rousing speech, cheered on by the crowd. Gerry Daniel, Cruise and Yachting Officer for the Ministry of Tourism, was an honoured guest and the local Antiguan media were in abundance.
The RORC Caribbean 600 will start at 1100 local time on Monday 24th February.
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