With over 100 hundred registrants to date from throughout the Caribbean and at home, spaces are now limited and going fast so make sure you sign up for our informative Tourism Human Resources Conference, today!
Learn all about how you can Make Excellence a Habit within your organization, with strategies and tools provided by our industry experts. Our speakers will tell you, The Formula for Business Success; how to increasing Customer & Brand Loyalty; Enhance Reputation & Profitability and Minimize Risks and ways to use Metrics Effectively to Propel Business Performance.
There’s also an opportunity to receive certification from the Caribbean Tourism Organisation and a host of other surprises in store.
We would love to have you join us, so contact me now to register for the conference or for the master class sessions, which can be booked separately, for persons who are not able to attend the entire conference.
Remember there is also special rate for students.
For those of you who have already registered, or those who have a colleague or a friend who would benefit from attending this conference, spread the love and share this message.
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