Last week, 18 Owners and Managers of small hotels joined by public and private sector tourism employees with responsibility for supporting the small hotel sub-sector, completed a 2-day specialised training programme. The programme which took place over the period, September 4th and 5th at the Trade Winds Hotel, was facilitated by Shirlene Nibbs.
Conducted under the theme: Achieving Service and Business Excellence, the training focused on four priority areas which were identified by regional hoteliers at an OAS (Organisation of American States) FORUM for Small Hotels held in Antigua & Barbuda in July of 2012. While the overall programme aimed at enhancing the knowledge and skills of the participants, the priority areas of focus were training, standardization, branding and marketing.
On the first day of the training, participants were engaged in analysing their customer service promise and its alignment to that of the destination’s (Antigua & Barbuda). Additionally, the importance of structured connection of training to standards so as to ensure that employees are capable of delivering the customer promise and a quality (customer) experience were the focus of the facilitator’s presentation, discussions, sharing of experiences, exchange of information, group work and demonstrations.
On the second day, the same training methods were used as the participants concentrated on the concepts and importance of branding and marketing. The training was completed with high-spirited group work and presentations on practical and creative marketing ideas for small hotels. All groups highlighted the critical importance of small hoteliers being able to adapt their marketing strategies and programmes to today’s technological advances, particularly the use of digital marketing platform and to ensure online presence. It was also considered advantageous to twin this revolutionizing marketing with retaining those practices which have worked well in the past.
Prior to the presentation of Certificates of Participation, Jean Ricot Dormeus, OAS’ representative (Antigua & Barbuda) challenged the participants to draw maximum benefits from the workshop by application, regular review of the material and on-going assessment and evaluation of their product offerings and service delivery so as to achieve and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage.
The Ministry of Tourism partnered with the OAS for the delivery of this important workshop which focused on improving the productivity and competitiveness of small hotels.

Participants, Achieving Service and Business Excellence Workshop Click here for all News and Specials for Antigua & Barbuda Tourism Authority