The Antigua and Barbuda Airport Authority, Ministry of Finance and the Antigua and Barbuda
Tourism Authority would kindly like to advise travel providers to inform their clients of the
new Airport Authority Administration Charge that will take effect on all travel on or after
November 1, 2012.
The Airport Authority Administration Charge is to be collected on all tickets for each arriving
passenger at USD$37.50 and each departing passenger at USD$37.50 and this will come into
effect for travel from November 1, 2012.
This charge will in effect replace the existing departure tax that is currently issued to all
passengers; except those transiting through Antigua and Barbuda and departing from Antigua
and Barbuda within 24 hours. Additionally, the new Airport Authority Administration Charge
will also replace the current Passengers’ Facilities Charge.
Passengers exempt from the Airport Authority Administration Charge include:
• Children under the age of two (2) years at the time of travel;
• Positioning air crew;
• Persons taking part in training flights;
• Passengers travelling on the domestic sector between the islands of Antigua and
• Persons travelling on military, scientific or meteorological flights to whom no ticket has
been issued;
• Persons using diplomatic passports as their travel documents; and
• Persons transiting through Antigua and Barbuda and who depart from Antigua and
Barbuda within 24 hours.
The newly-effective charge will be built into a passenger’s ticket and the funds will then be
remitted to the Government via the International Air Transportation Association (IATA). All
airlines and travel operators are required to collect this tax when billing the customer for the
ticket as there will no longer be a facility at the airport to collect departure tax from the
All bookings made with travel dates on or after November 1, 2012 will be subject to the new
Airport Authority Administration Charge.
All persons who have booked and paid for their ticket in full to commence travel on or after
November 1, 2012 will NOT be subject to the new Airport Authority Administration Charge.
However, those persons who have booked their ticket to commence travel on or after
November 1, 2012 but have not yet paid for the ticket in full will be impacted by the new
charge. Click here for all News and Specials for Antigua & Barbuda Tourism Authority