The Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation and Culture is once again engaging the nation’s youth in an effort to further sensitize them on the importance of Tourism to the development of our country, to think tourism and to give them opportunities to partake in research, and share their ideas and opinions.
A call is being made to all primary and secondary schools to have their students participate in the 2012 installation of The Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) Essay competition. This year’s topic is “What are the memories you would like a cruise passenger to walk away with after visiting your destination?” The essays are to be written in English, and should be 500 - 750 words in length.
Entries will be categorized in two main divisions namely the junior division catering to children 12 years and under and the senior division catering to children between the ages of 13 to 16 years.
It is expected that on a national level, the contest will be conducted in two rounds; with the first round done within each participating school. The two winners from each school (one from each age category should be selected by the teachers/staff selection committee) and be forwarded to the Ministry of Tourism, Attn: Cynthia G Simon, Manager of Tourism Education, Training and Awareness, on or before June 13th 2012. Kindly ensure that each submitted essay bears the following: Name of the Student (as it appears on official document), Student’s Date of Birth, and Name of School.
The submissions will then be further screened by a national committee (round two) and the winning essays (one from each age category) will then be forwarded for further judging by the FCCA’s Selection Committee. First, second and third place winners of each age category will receive a personal cash scholarship award ranging between US$1,000, upwards to US$3,000 and a matching cash award for the school represented by each of the winners. The first place winner in each category will participate in the FCCA Caribbean Cruise Conference in Curacoa, October 1st – 5th, 2012.
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