‘GO GO’ AGENTS VISITS OUR SHORES... Monday 12th March 2012

Photo of 20 Go Go Agents, at the Rex Halcyon Cove, with Mr. Richard Michelin - General Manager
As the season progresses, the US market continues to show an increase in arrivals.
As the demand for vacations to Antigua & Barbuda continues to grow, twenty (20) ‘Go Go’ agents visited Antigua for a four (4) night familiarization trip over the weekend.
For the majority of the agents, this was their first (1st) visit to our twin island state. They are seeing an increase in demand for visits to Antigua & Barbuda especially with the inception of non-stop flights from JKF on American Airlines.
The agents will spend their trip visiting the majority of the properties within the ‘Go Go’ programme, local attractions like Shirley Heights; they will enjoy our local cuisine, music and nightly entertainment and enrich themselves in our unique culture.
The agents are being hosted by the St. James Club—one of the premier Resorts in Antigua & Barbuda.
The first (1st) stop on their itinerary was the Rex Halcyon Cove, where they were met by General Manager, Mr. Richard Michelin who expressed a warm welcome to the agents. The Rex Halcyon Cove is one of the oldest properties on the island.
Recent trends have shown the importance in the role of the travel agent when the Industry is attracting younger talent. For many potential visitors, while they continue to research and look for deals online, they often seek advice of a travel agent in making their final decision.
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