Lesley Davidson of Sugar Ridge, and Maria Blackman of the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority launching Antigua and Barbuda’s Ultimate Leap Year Proposal Competition.
The Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority’s UK Office is launching an online and social media campaign offering females that propose to their partners this Leap Day, 29 February 2012, the chance to win a honeymoon in Antigua.
The campaign will highlight the twin-island’s attractions as a wedding and honeymoon destination by targeting females.
P Hilary Modeste, UK & Europe Director, Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority, said: “We have launched this innovative, not to mention fun, online campaign to reach our key audience of females who we know tend to be the honeymoon decision maker.”
“Research shows that women are overwhelmingly the decision maker when it comes to choosing where the couple spend their honeymoon. Women also spend 35% more time on social networks than men and drive 70% of consumer spending.”
Activity surrounding the campaign, will focus on a competition which will go live on Leap Day, 29 February 2012, giving ladies that pop the question the chance to win a seven-night all-inclusive honeymoon at Sugar Ridge Resort.
These days women can propose to their beaus any time they like, however the tradition remains that on 29 February, women can take the proposal initiative.
To qualify for the competition, entrants are required to upload a short video of their Leap Day proposal on to YouTube. The best five videos will be shortlisted for a public vote with the finalists encouraged to share their video on social networking sites to garner maximum votes.
Videos will be viewable on the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Facebook site and will be promoted via @antiguabarbuda on Twitter with the hashtag #AntiguaBarbudaProposal.
Full terms and conditions are available at:
Have a look at the video below.
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