Tourism continues to hold its position as the fastest growing industry in the world. According to statistical data, the industry accounts for 10.7% of the world’s GDP.
With Antigua & Barbuda as the top tourism-dependent nation in the region, it is imperative to start at the base and create the necessary platforms for the youth to understand the importance of Tourism, to learn as much as they can about the industry, to give serious thought to considering a career in tourism and to prepare themselves to contribute to giving the Industry that competitive edge.
In the on-going effort to increase students’ awareness about the benefits and opportunities within the Tourism and Hospitality industry, the Ministry of Tourism recently conducted one of its hallmark activities - its annual ‘Hospitality Industry Careers RoadShow’. Several secondary schools participated, and this year, the programme was also expanded to include primary schools with the involvement of Wesleyan Junior Academy and Bolans Primary School.
Mrs. Cynthia Simon, Manager - Tourism Education, Training and Awareness within the Ministry of Tourism commented " Educating our youth on Tourism, making them aware of the importance of the industry to our nation state as well as tourism career options, and encouraging them to prepare themselves to contribute to the economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable development must be at the core of efforts directed to the sustainability of our tourism industry."
Participating secondary schools included All Saints Secondary School, Antigua Girls High School, Clare Hall Secondary School, Glanvilles Secondary School, Ottos Comprehensive School, Pares Secondary School, and St. Mary’s School of Excellence. Students of the upper level forms mainly from 4th and 5th Forms were chosen to be a part of this exciting programme.
The students were given an overview of the Tourism & Hospitality Industry by persons within the Ministry of Tourism. Stars within the Tourism & Hospitality Industry shared their firsthand experience of what it is like to work within the Industry. Marketing and Public Relations Officer of the Antigua & Barbuda Hospitality Training Industry (ABHTI) ABHTI, Roxanne Payne, provided students with information related to Training Opportunities for those wishing to pursue a career within the Industry. Ms. Payne used the opportunity to make available to the students brochures highlighting training opportunities available at ABHTI.
The sessions were very interactive as the students showed great enthusiasm and interest. They embraced the opportunity to increase their knowledge about the industry and learn ways in which they can be directly involved and make their contribution to the growth and development of our nation’s engine of economic growth.
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