PM'S APPEAL TO LIAT PILOTS Thursday 8th December 2011
The ongoing industrial action by LIATs pilots, through its trade union body the Leeward Island Airline Pilots Association (LIALPA) is an unfortunate and untimely action which can only serve to damage the financial prospects for LIAT and severely affect members of the traveling public.
Hundreds of passengers are now stranded throughout the LIAT network causing dislocation and stress for persons not in any way connected to this dispute. This is particularly worrisome as LIAT provides what amounts to an essential service moving peoples and goods throughout our region in a way that no other carrier does.
The action by the pilots could not have come at a worst time. A number of regional leaders, including myself are unable to travel to Trinidad and Tobago to attend the Fourth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Republic of Cuba. This Summit held every three years is designed to address critical issues affecting the region including air services and strengthen the vital relations between CARICOM and Cuba.
I am informed that every day that LIAT is grounded represents a loss of approximately $1m to the airline. This is not an amount that any company can afford to lose and I call on the LIAT pilots to recognize the negative impact which their action is having on the very airline which is a source of livelihood for hundreds of families around the region, and which contributes immeasurably to the development of our region.
LIAT’s Management and Board have reported that the decision to terminate the services of Captain Blackburn was taken as a result of statements made by him which the company regards as being of so serious a nature as to require summary dismissal. While LIALPA may not be in support of that position, the laws of Antigua and Barbuda place on management the authority to decide on the conduct of any employee which it deems to be so detrimental to the interests of the company as to require summary action. Of course, in doing so, management must be guided by considerations established under the relevant laws. My understanding is that LIAT’s management has received the necessary legal advice before proceeding in this matter.
In that context, the actions of LIALPA should now focus on exploring mechanisms within our legal framework for ensuring legal representation for Captain Blackburn. Indiscriminate industrial action that harms passengers and the company itself cannot be the answer.
Antigua and Barbuda, as a principal shareholder in LIAT, will not allow for any action that serves to undermine the collective bargaining process. The management is fully aware of that position. The present dispute relating to Captain Blackburn should not be seen as an attempt to undermine the trade unions within LIAT. The actions taken by LIAT’s management instead represents action taken against an employee of the company who was deemed to have behaved in a manner incompatible with his position as a senior employee of that company. Let the established grievance procedures within the framework of the collective agreement take its course. In addition, the employee further has resort to the Labour Commissioner and the Industrial Court to resolve his grievance within the framework of the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Code. The Government of Antigua and Barbuda and the public would expect LIALPA to act responsibly along those lines.
Let us now all seek a swift return to work as we aim to ensure the survival of this landmark Caribbean institution – LIAT and continue to serve the people of the region who heavily depend on LIAT to cement our integration economically and socially. (ENDS)
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