Minister Maginley and Consul General Ian Sweeney with the team from NBC TV6.
Photo courtesy MMEC
The Honourable John Maginley and a team from the Antigua & Barbuda Tourism Authority attended the popular Go NBC Travel Expo held at the Aventura Mall in Miami over the weekend. The Expo was expected to attract more than 40,000 people. NBC TV6 presenters were present at the mall conducting live interviews on Saturday morning and Minister Maginley provided a comprehensive interview highlighting the destination.
Sales representatives from Elite Island Resorts and Sandals Resorts International were present at the Antigua & Barbuda stand. As an added attraction to entice shoppers to the stand a prize draw for a vacation for 2 to the destination was offered. This competition generated a useful database for direct marketing for the future.
The Expo forms part of a wider promotional package which was spearheaded by Mr. Ian Sweeney, Consul General in the Miami Office. The package included an Ultimate Honeymoon Promotion, two Ultimate Vacation Sweepstakes and a 5 minute destination segment aired in the Honeymoon Special on the local Miami station. The total package was estimated to reach over 3 million adults.
The Ultimate Honeymoon Promotion invited newlyweds to enter the competition by sending in their stories explaining why they are deserving of an all-expense paid Ultimate Honeymoon to the Caribbean. The top three couples were invited into the studio to share their stories live on air on the popular South Florida Today Show which attracts an audience of 1.6 million viewers per month. Viewers were encouraged to cast votes online at for the couple they felt was most deserving of the prize. The interviews were also posted to YouTube which enabled people who missed the live interview to still take part in the promotion. Facebook and Twitter were also used to encourage participation in the promotion.
The Ultimate Vacation Sweepstakes was conducted online and offered a prize trip to the destination. Anyone who took part in the voting for the Ultimate Honeymoon promotion was automatically entered for the Sweepstakes.
Both promotions were heavily supported on NBC TV6 with 142 commercials aired during The Today Show, Ellen Degeneres and The Tonight Show. The 30 second commercial featured a special invitation from the Minister of Tourism, Hon. John Maginley to visit the twin island state.
“This promotion provided the destination with excellent exposure utilizing many channels to get the message out including TV, online, social media and personal interaction. We have partnered with American Airlines and Elite Island Resorts to offer the grand prize trip to The Verandah. This is a perfect example of public-private partnership and this type of collaboration needs to happen more often to showcase the destination” said Hon John Maginley, Minister of Tourism, Culture & Civil Aviation.
The NBC TV6 Ultimate Honeymoon Promotion runs from July to end September 2011.
Robert Samuel of ABTA interacting with visitors to the Antigua & Barbuda stand.
Photo courtesy NBC Click here for all News and Specials for Antigua & Barbuda Tourism Authority