Cassandra Vital, a 5th form student of Christ the King High School won the title Antigua Barbuda Junior Minister of Tourism, 2011/2012.
Six young persons were fully engaged in a tourism training programme during the month of August after having come forward indicating their interest in being part of the Junior Minister of Tourism training programme, with the initial goal to represent Antigua & Barbuda at the upcoming Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) Tourism Youth Congress. The Congress which is structured in such a way, so as to mirror a CTO Board of Directors’ Meeting will be a featured activity at the organisation’s first State of the Industry Conference to be held in St. Martin, September 15 – 17, 2011.
At a special event on Friday, September 2nd, all six young persons made their 3-minute presentation on their selected topic which they researched, and had 1 minute to respond to a common Mystery Question. Cassandra was one of two participants who made a presentation on how both locals and tourists can benefit from Community Tourism. The other themes covered in the presentations were ICT and its use in tourism development and regional tourism marketing. The Judges commended all on their presentations and the high standard which was set.
Commenting on her success, Cassandra stated “I am really thrilled, excited, and in awe at my success. I look forward to representing Antigua & Barbuda at the CTO Youth Congress in St. Martin, where I will give of my very best and with all intentions to bring the title back home.”
Second placed winner and Jr. Shadow Minister of Tourism was Kesi Jones of the Antigua Girls’ High School. The other participants were Aliah Ephraim and Justina Sappleton of the Antigua Girl’s High School, along with Dijon Browne of St. Joseph’s Academy and 2011 Graduate of AGHS, Derry-Ann Adams. Attractive prizes from industry stakeholders: Curtain Bluff Resort, Carlisle Bay Resort, Halcyon Cove by Rex Resorts, Blue Waters Antigua, The Verandah Resort & Spa and A S Brydens, were awarded to the participants.
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