Members of the AHTA met with the Minister for breakfast at the 'Warri Pier' Rex Halcyon Resort |
On Wednesday, June 15th, 2011 the Hon. John Maginley, Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation & Culture met with members of the Antigua Hotel & Tourist Association (AHTA) at the ‘Warri Pier’ Rex Halcyon Resort.
The meeting was held to bring together stakeholders in a forum where their views and concerns in regards to the current trends of the economy could be discussed. Members were able to examine the challenges they currently encounter within the industry. One of the main concerns was the challenges hoteliers face within the summer periods; a factor which is quite eminent amongst both large and small properties.
Minister Maginley welcomed the forum and stated that it is critical for meetings of this nature to be held so as to allow the Ministry to get a better understanding of the issues which industry stakeholders are currently facing. This better enables the Ministry to partner with stakeholders and derive solutions moving forward. Mr. Ian Frasier, Chairman of the AHTA said the meeting was very productive; they managed to identify key components that needed to be addressed and will be working closely with stakeholders to tackle these issues.
The Antigua Hotels & Tourist Association is a non-government organisation and the representative voice of the local tourism private sector with a membership which comprises hotels, airlines and nearly 50 other tourism-related entities.
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