Primary and Secondary school students in Antigua and Barbuda are invited to share their thoughts on the tourism industry and show-case their creative writing skills, for a chance to win the 2011 Florida Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) Children’s Essay Contest.
The Ministry of Tourism is an active participant of the annual FCCA Children’s Essay (tourism) Contest. The contest which is endorsed by the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), represents the organization’s (FCCA) on-going support for Caribbean Tourism.
Country Coordinator of the Contest, Mrs. Cynthia G Simon, Manager of the Tourism Education Training and Awareness Unit within The Ministry of Tourism states “The contest is used to compliment our efforts to educate our young people about tourism and to get them to understand the importance of Tourism to the development of our country, to think tourism and to provide opportunities for them to share their ideas and opinions”.
The Ministry of Tourism continues to receive the support and cooperation of The Ministry of Education particularly through its Educa-tion Zone Officers, to further encourage primary schools within their zones to be involved in the competition. The competition is also open to secondary school students. Essay entries from children ages 12 and under will compete in the Junior Division while those re-ceived from students from ages 13 to 16 years will be judged in the Senior Division. This year’s topic is “What Does Sustainable Tourism Mean To Your Destination?” To be written in English with 500 - 750 words in length. Entries should be forwarded to The Ministry of Tourism, Attention Cynthia G Simon, no later than Monday, June 13th (2011).
The entry selected as the country’s best, in both the junior and senior categories, will be forwarded to FCCA’s Head Office in Florida. First, second and third place winners of each category in the regional contest will receive a personal cash scholarship ranging between US$1,000 to US$3,000 and there will be a matching cash award for the school represented by each of the winners. Additionally, the first place winner in each category will participate in the 2011 FCCA Caribbean Cruise Conference scheduled for Puerto Rico, October 3rd – 7th, all expenses paid.
Last year, Antigua and Barbuda’s Terrikia Benjamin of the Antigua Girls High School placed second in the Senior Division Category of the Regional Contest. Benjamin was awarded a cash scholarship of US$1500, while her school received an equal amount. Since then, she has been given the opportunities to share her essay with a variety of audiences including the Youth Tourism Forum held in celebration of Caribbean Tourism Day 2010. Recently, Terrikia featured on the Our House Daily Observer Radio Programme, in collaboration with 12-year old Canadian Benjamin McDonald who won an essay writing competition in his hometown province of Ontario and was on his prize trip through the Caribbean.
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