(April 04 2011) United Kingdom – Antigua’s popularity in the Italian market continues to grow. The strong growth in visitor arrivals from that country has led to Italian charter Blue Panorama agreeing to extend their weekly service to the destination.
The weekly Monday service from Milan previously scheduled to end in April, will now continue into the summer months.
Antigua and Barbuda’s Minister of Tourism, Hon John Maginley said: “We are delighted that the flight will now operate from July 4 to September 5 then October 31 to December 19.
The Italian Market is a very profitable market for us and this shows increased confidence in our destination from our Italian travel partners. We are pleased with this announcement particularly as we enter the summer months when we are concerned about filling hotel rooms.”

CEO of the ABTA Colin C. James joins representatives of Blue Panorama and Press Tours in a toast upon the airline’s inaugural flight in December 2010.
Antigua and Barbuda’s UK & Europe Director of Tourism Hilary Modeste, who is now directly responsible for the Italian and German markets, following structural changes in the overseas offices, announced the news after meetings in Italy confirmed the extended service.
He commented “This is great news for us as the Italian Market has been producing very well. Our main tour operator Press Tours is reporting strong forward bookings to the destination and they are confident that with the demand for Antigua and Barbuda holidays remaining high, they will be able to sustain the additional lift.”
Blue Panorama Airlines, Vice President of Sales, Remo Della Porta also shared the news with the Italian travel trade press at the BMT – National tourism showcase in Naples, Italy following discussions with Modeste and the representative from the Italian tour operator, Press Tours.
Ten agents from Press Tours will visit Antigua and Barbuda from April 11 – 18 on a familiarisation trip.
Both the Tourism Minister Hon. John Maginley and the CEO of the Antigua & Barbuda Tourism Authority Colin James commended the UK team for their efforts in receiving the commitment from the tour operator and airline and securing the increased airlift. Click here for all News and Specials for Antigua & Barbuda Tourism Authority