Monday 8th April (St. John’s, Antigua) The Cultural Development Division in association with the Antigua and Barbuda Festivals Commission is pleased to announce that plans are currently underway for the second annual Antigua and Barbuda International Dance, Music and Folklore Festival.
The festival is aimed at educating participants through systematic hands-on approach to specific disciplines in the performing arts. Moreover, it also provides an avenue for all of the participating countries to showcase their cultural attributes in dance and song through indigenous chants and instruments.
This year, the festival held over a five-day period from April 23rd to 27th, will feature folk dance and cultural music groups from Dominica, St. Lucia, Anguilla, Guyana, Montserrat, South Africa and host country, Antigua and Barbuda.
The schedule of events for the second edition of the festival includes a series of activities and events for participants and the general public including workshops from Tuesday 23rd to Thursday 25th, and an International Dance Symposium featuring renowned dancers and speakers from Dominica, Barbados and St. Lucia on Saturday 27th, which commences from 9am at the Dean William Lake Cultural Center.
However, the climax of this year’s Festival will be the various nights of dance starting with, a pre-show, ‘Dancing Under the Stars’, at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus on Wednesday 24th; the ‘Opening Performance’ on Thursday 25th; ‘T.D.I.F – Thank Dance It’s Friday’ on Friday 26th and the ‘Signal Performance’ on Saturday 27th, which will all be held at the Dean William Lake Cultural Center.
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