As part of the programme of activities for the Caribbean Year of Wellness & Rejuvenation, the CTO has been featuring people who drive the wellness programmes in Caribbean Tourism Organization member countries. These wellness ambassadors perform extraordinary functions to promote wellness among residents and visitors alike.
Antigua and Barbuda has two entries! Kat Byles and Aidan McCauley (Sam Sugar).
There will be two voting rounds. The first round runs from Thursday, November 1st at 12:01am ECT through to 11:59pm PT on Saturday, November 24th.
The top five vote-getters will move on to the second round, where voting will begin at 12:01am ECT on Monday, November 26th and end at 11:59pm PT on Saturday, December 2nd.
The ambassador receiving the highest number of votes in this round will be named the CTO’s Caribbean Wellness Ambassador of the Year and will receive a trip to Grenada compliments of the Grenada Tourism Authority.
You will be allowed to vote only once and for one ambassador only per voting round. Vote now!.
Please share and encourage everyone you know to vote. For those with mobile phones, voting is made easy by using the QR code (bottom right of the graphic) for easy access to the site.

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