HARPER`S SCHOOL ART COMPETITION Thursday 27th January 2022
Antigua Sailing Week is thrilled to announce the launch of the 2022 School Art Competition sponsored by Harper’s Office Depot. The School Art competition which has run every year since 1968, is a simple and effective way to engage the interest of the nation’s next generation of leaders about this national sporting and tourism event. And it can also be used to educate young people around the buzz worthy topics surrounding the industry such as the environment, economy and lifestyles.
This year the brief asks the students to ‘Illustrate the importance that the yachting & marine industry brings to Antigua & Barbuda”. Organisers are hoping that the theme will also encourage informative discussions in the classrooms, as well as between parents & children.
Sailing and its ancillaries provides significant economic value to the community and not solely when Antigua Sailing Week is hosted”, explains Rana Lewis, Event & Marketing Manager of event. “The sector is wide and varied, from luxury charters, leisure sailing, yacht racing, cruising, berthing and marinas and marine services and we would like to see that awareness of opportunities become commonplace. It’s important that we continue to relay the importance and benefits of the yachting & marine industry while exciting and hopefully engaging local youth about the sport.”
This is the fourth year in which Harper’s Office Depot has presented the School Art Competition, Roy Bento, owner confirms " Harper's Office Depot is excited to once again partner with our friends at Antigua Sailing week to revive the School's Art Competition. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which put a halt on the competition and Sailing Week as a whole, we recognize its importance, and hope that it continues to be not only an outlet for artistic expression, but an educational tool for the youth who participate."
The deadline for submissions is March 18, and this year, one very important change to the entry process is that artwork will be accepted in a digital format ONLY. Teachers and parents are asked to ensure that photos or scans of the artwork are submitted via EMAIL or WHATSAPP to be considered.
The winning entry will be reproduced as a poster placed as a welcome sign outside Cobbs Cross Primary School. The winners of the three section 5 – 8, 9 – 12 and 13 – 18 will all receive a host of prizes from title sponsor Harper’s Office Depot. Additional prizes are also on offer from event supporters namely Adventure Antigua, Antigua Canopy Tour, Stingray City, Swash Waterpark, Merryland Amusement Park, Big Banana, Donut Ace, KFC and the National Sailing Academy.
“The 2020 edition of the competition was cancelled with the closure of schools due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and we are grateful for the support we receive from our local corporate and donors as we kickstart the competition with these added incentives for the young artists”, states Cassandra Ryan, the 2022 School Art Co-ordinator.
Entry form and rules are available for download at www.sailingweek.com/schoolart Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ASWSchoolsArt.
Any teachers or parents who want to receive briefing notes about the theme can also email marketing@sailingweek.com or call 729-6651.

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