Dear EAG Members and Friends,
In April, the Yida development company dispatched heavy duty machinery to Guiana Island, to clear mangroves in the Narrows and a road across the island. The full development proposal includes a 5-star luxury resort, internationally branded villa communities, a casino and gaming complex, multi-purpose conference center, a 27-hole golf course, marinas and landing facilities, as well as commercial, retail, and sports facilities (read more here).
The development activity on Guiana Island started without permission from the Development Control Authority (DCA), which also requires an Environmental Impact Assessment before works start. Yida also acted in violation of the Fisheries Act of 2006, which protects the North East Marine Management Area (NEMMA) for its unique ecology.
We encourage you to sign a letter to Prime Minister Gaston Browne petitioning the Government of Antigua & Barbuda to uphold the relevant laws. These laws are in place to protect our livelihoods, our health, our environment, and for the sustainable development of our small island nation.
Sign the Petition on

Gaston Browne: Don't let Chinese Developers break laws conserving our Marine Protected Areas
Recently a Chinese development company purchased some 1600 acres of undeveloped waterfront land with the intention of creating hundreds of villas, several marinas and luxury hotels, a casino, a school, a hospital, a horse racing track and two golf courses. All of it lies within an incredibly delicate marine ecosystem which is currently protected by the Laws of Antigua and Barbuda. Among several laws which aim to conserve this national treasure is a section within the Fisheries Act dealing with Marine Protected Areas. All of the coastline within this project are within the North East Marine Management Area (NEMMA) which was designated a Marine Protected Area in 2005. Despite this, plans show vast marsh lands, mangroves, flats, reefs and nesting vegetation cleared to make way for the project. This would mean laws either being broken or changed for the developer. This can not be permitted to happen.
Read the full petition and sign by clicking here. Thank you for showing your support and please share this important opportunity with your friends and network.
the EAG team
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