EAG AUGUST NEWS Monday 12th August 2013

August Field Trip - Back to the Ocean!
We’ve looked for whales. We’re watching turtles. Now, it’s time to see what else is out there in our near-shore marine environment. In collaboration with Antigua Nature Tours (see Stingray City) in Seaton’s Village, the EAG wants to take you KAYAKING! That’s right! Even if you don’t know how to swim, that’s no excuse to not join us. Everyone will be wearing life jackets as we kayak around Mercer’s Creek with the experienced staff at Antigua Nature Tours.
This field trip will be on Saturday 17th August. Once you get to Seaton’s, follow the signs for Stingray City and park in the lot provided. Be there for 8:45am. This trip is a fundraiser to support the EAG’s many projects and activities. Cost is EC $35 for members and EC $50 for non-members, to be paid in full by Wednesday 14th August at 12pm at the EAG office upstairs the Museum of Antigua & Barbuda on Long Street.
For more information, visit www.eagantigua.org. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to enjoy kayaking with the EAG and Antigua Nature Tours!
EAG Talk Articles Every Thursday in The Daily Observer
Don’t forget to read EAG Talk published every Thursday in the Daily Observer newspaper. Be informed about environmental issues that impact our country and our world. If you have an article that you would like to have published in this weekly column, send us an email or contact the office at 462-6236.
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