For more than 30 years, The Hourglass Foundation has been raising funds on Christmas Day to financially assist various charities, by organizing a Champagne Party in Nelson's Dockyard. The party this year start at 12:00 pm and entertainment will be provided by Gigi and The Hygh Tempa band.
Last year enough funds was raised to support “Breast Friends and Women in Touch” a cancer support and awareness group in Antigua and Barbuda, to facilitate a lymphedema care specialist from Florida to come to Antigua to conduct a seminar as well as a three (3) day Lymphedema Clinic. Lymphedema is a potential side effect of breast cancer. It is the swelling of the arm, and hand that occurs in some women after breast cancer surgery and radiation therapy. This condition is very serious and requires specialized treatment. They expect to now be in a position to set up their own in person training camp here in Antigua, since they already have 2 enthusiastic ladies with a certain amount of medical experience.
An expert from Florida who is a friend has offered to provide the training, so, in the very near future, they soon hope to be able to have their own and only lymphedema center in this part of the Caribbean. Wouldn't that be great!

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