VOLUNTEERS URGENTLY NEEDED Wednesday 24th February 2016
ABSAR is in urgent need of new blood. Their volunteer base has dwindled over the past several years and their core group of volunteers are getting burned out, whilst their work load increases every year.
This year has seen them struggle with their fundraisers, forcing them to dip into money they had hoped to use on a new home for ABSAR. A new home which now seems unlikely since they are unable to secure the government permissions needed for the project.
They need volunteers who are committed to the services ABSAR provides to the community both on and off the water. They need people with skills that range from fundraising to search and rescue.
While they continue to need your financial support, they need your sweat, blood and tears too.
Without additional volunteers they will be forced to begin reducing their operations beginning this summer and into next year. This weighs heavy on their hearts and are hopeful that this will not become necessary.
They need your help...so that others may live.
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