INTRODUCING ABSAR X-RAY Monday 13th July 2009
We are pleased to announce that ABSAR, through the generosity of Captain Marc Fitzgerald and owner Peter Harrison of SY Sojana, has begun testing a “new” concept in quick response rescue craft. Captain Fitzgerald offered us the use of their VSV (very slender vessel) to begin testing it’s usefulness as a medium range, quick response, all weather, rescue vessel.
The concept is to operate the “X-ray” for medium range accidents and emergencies at sea. These would include EPIRB activations with no communications to the vessel, medical emergencies, Mayday calls where a RIB response would be prolonged or delayed due to poor weather conditions, etc.
The vessel is a VSV, wave piercer, originally designed for use by special forces. It runs on a 315 hp Yanmar turbo diesel with a Mercruiser Bravo 3 leg to stainless steel duo counter-rotating props. L.O.A. 33 feet, Beam 5 feet, Draft 3 feet, Color Silver, Cruise speed 30+ kts, Range 300+ nm, Crew up to 4 persons in cockpit. X-ray is flying a Yellow “ABSAR” burgee and will operate with a amber LED flashing light to alert other vessels to our location and presence.
X-ray is not yet in full service with ABSAR, but in “testing” for the proof of concept as a rescue asset.
Please see the photos below.

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